How much light does a Marble Queen Pothos need?

The scientific name of the Pothos plant is Epipremnum, they are indoor plants. They can gain a length of 40 feet long in tropical regions.

The pothos plant generally encloses itself to approximately six to ten feet. Their leaves have bright colors and waxy texture along with a significant and in heart shape with pointed edges and are frequently green or prismatic in yellow color, or pale green color.

It is infrequent for pothos to bloom or make drupe, mainly houseplants, but definite variation can have small, stalk-less instant blooms that feature tiny drupe.

Pothos is also known as devil’s ivy. They are very good at supporting in filtering the air and liberal of bright light. Pothos plants also help to clarify the air when developed in an indoor environment.

The pothos plant is captivating and this is the most trouble-free and calm tree to develop in the indoor settings.

Although pothos is endemic to the understory forest because the forests have a hot climate and they are rich in high humidity in the Islands of the south pacific region, pothos is capable of adapting to a great range of developing surroundings out of their natural tropical environment.

Pothos are not only used as ornamental plants but also they purify the air in the surrounding by increasing the moisture level and absorbing carbon dioxide. There are many diversities of pothos plants like Marble Queen Pothos, Jade Pothos, Golden Pothos, Neon Pothos, Blue Pothos, Silver Pothos, Glacier Pothos, and Jessenia Pothos.

Although there are many variations of pothos plants, only a few can thrive in indoor settings like Marble Queen Pothos and Golden Pothos.

All members of the pothos plant family are efficient in purifying the air of unfavorable chemicals present in the surrounding environment.

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Rate Of Growth:

Pothos are average to quick developers. If Pothos are set in the shade or in low light, the rate of growth will decrease. In their endemic environment surrounding pothos grow up to the trees & they can grow up to 60′. This is the reason Pothos are considered as, tough to remove and have gained a new regular name: Devil’s Ivy.

During the development period between autumn and winter and spring season grows quickly. When the proper growth suppliers are present in balanced proportions they gain a height of approximately 20 to 40 feet and scatter up to 3 to 6 feet broad, they have an average life span of 10 years.

Marble Queen Pothos:

Marble queen pothos the perfect indoor plants. Although, the odd pattern on leaves of the plant gives the plant an entire a great level of characteristics. The beautiful attractive marbling creates a great appearance indoors.

It is also used as a hanging beauty, as the ceiling full of colors will refresh the environment of a surrounding.

It does not require any proper attention, it quickly thrives and does well in the pruning process. Marble queen pothos can grow up to the height of about 36 inches” to 60 inches”. They can scatter about 22 inches” to 26 inches”.

The marble queen pothos is famous in the pothos plant family. Marble pothos plants are lustrous, in the shape of heart, hard textured leaves, and in contrasting colors. The marble queen pothos is in green and white colors.

They are known as ornamental house plants because they look captivating and graceful. Marble queen pothos plant purifies the air because the indoor air gets polluted due to materials like formaldehyde and gases evolved from cosmetic products are harmful, because of this reason they are also known as devil’s ivy.

They grow on poles to decorate and thrive better in hanging.

Growth Factors:


Marble Queen Pothos plants develop greatly in a variety of light availability and can even endure minimum light available.

Medium-light is adequate in the indoor setting and in outdoor settings Marble Queen Pothos grows into the shade or in low light intensity. Direct sunlight is harmful to plants. A highly multicolored pothos may drop its spectrum when the pothos plants are under low-light intensity.

The green parts of the leaves if the pothos plant makes food in the form of energy, leaves balances for the low quantity of light by transforming into more green color. Plant leaves changes from Pale to yellowish in color would specify that the plant is acquiring a lot of light.

The number of light pothos plants require is moderate. The plant will endure low light but will not develop greatly at all.

Do not reveal pothos plants into direct sunlight. The plants will burn in very little time. High intensity of light is excellent but be cautious of the plant away from direct contact. If plants are getting light from only one direction, then the leaves of the plant will incline towards the direction of light.

A marble queen pothos does a great development in low light and develops fast in medium-light to indirect bright light. When the light intensity is low the white whirls on leaves default to green color on the new leaf thrives.

Marble Queen Pothos require natural but deviating sunlight. If marble queen plants are under the light for 12 to 14 hours they will thrive greatly.

Generally, marble queen pothos does not get adequate sunlight, then the new development will appear differently as stems will appear in small size, narrower and fragile, the new arriving leaves will contract or shrink in size. This change does not take place overnight; it will take at least a few months for a great change while thriving.


The pothos can bear a great range of temperatures. Pothos grow in temperature between 55° – 85℉(18.3°C-29.4°C)although the plants belong to tropical plants and the maximum range of high temperatures is between 70° – 90℉. If the temperature in the environment decreases beneath 55°F (12.8°C) the leaves will get destroyed.


Use any type of soil which is well-drained and full of nutrients to promote growth.


Do not let the soil lose its moisture but be cautious do not overwater plants.

Is it easier to water plants than said? Marble Queen Pothos grows great when the soil loses its moisture between intervals of watering.

Do not let the roots lose their moisture in the watering intervals, only allow the potting mix to get dry.

Colors of leaves will tell how much quantity a plant needs.

  • If the leaves of marble queen pothos plants are turning into brown color or wilting, it needs watering more often.
  • If the leaves of marble queen pothos plants are turning yellow, this indicates that the plant is under-watered. Excessive watering causes decomposition of roots.
  • The black color of leaves will indicate that the plant is overwatered.

Marble Queen Pothos plants develop in water and in addition soil, but it’s not easy for pothos plants to switch from one medium to another. If pothos plants start developing in the soil medium will grow greatly if it continues to grow in soil, and inversely.

Marble queen pothos also grows greatly in a dry soil medium. During the summers and spring season, do watering well and then let the soil lose its moisture from the top 50% before watering the plant again. During the autumn season and in winters, permit the soil to lose moisture entirely before watering. Otherwise, the leaves will become soft and incline a bit before watering.


The level of relative humidity is usually low in the months of winter. Marble Queen pothos are in the benefit because they do not require regular misting.

The marble queen pothos plant does great in the environment of the level of relative humidity but will develop in very little humidity present in the surrounding environment.

Brown edges of the leaf may point out that the air present in the environment is moisture-free i.e. air is dry.


Fertilize pothos plants alternate months with a quality with high balanced proportions of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in a diluted form for providing strength to thrive better.

Most indoor plants when bought they are rich in good potting mix and soil with all the required supplements absorbed in the soil and help the pothos to thrive greatly.

In some situations like pothos are developing in a bad potting mix; the Pothos plant will require a light quantity of fertilizers.

a light application of worm compost

Apply fertilizers with a balanced proportion every spring season and in summers to strengthen the plants.

Do not fertilize in autumn seasons or in winters because they go into the dormancy phase.

Do not overfeed the plant because it will make salts and will burn the roots and then the plant will not able to thrive again.


It is not a hard task to repot a pothos plant. If the pothos plant has elongated strings just tie them up because they are delicate to move them aside while repotting a pothos plant. The pothos plant will thrive in the given pot with the proper nutrients available for a year or more.

Check the condition of soil either it is loose or the roots are overgrown by touching it. If the condition is so bad then repot the plant otherwise there is no need to repot the pothos plant.

Pruning :

Trim all the dead parts or rot roots and different color parts of the plant.

Always try to remain the stems short to support foliage with the entire elongation of the stem.

Prune the plant to provide new development and nourishment. Trimming the stems until some nodes will also promote the new development of the plant. Trim the long stem ends and propagate again into a new pot to regenerate the plant to spread, or plant it into the same pot either to entourage new developments.

Always sterilize scissors or other sources before pruning to prevent from spreading allergies or diseases in the surrounding. Cut the dead or decayed leaves or foliage or if they have lost their color.


Although the pothos plants are hardly fatal. If a pet or a baby ingests pothos it will result in vomiting and irritation because it secrets calcium oxalates.


Cut the stem overhead the leaf node about 4 to 6 inches elongated, with three or more leaves and not less than two leaf nodes.

Remove the leaf which is close to the end of the root, and then place it in a pot filled entirely with water. Freshen the water and wash the pot completely as required, and then the pothos plant will develop in the water without soil mixture if we apply the liquid fertilizer. If the cutting has started propagating in water, it will not get adjusted in the soil medium.

So, if we plant the cutting in soil medium then use a normal fertilizer in a balanced proportion to promote the new growth.


The pothos plants have no issues with insects and they do not have any problems with common plant diseases. Though mealybugs and scales are found on the leaves of plants creating a home in the soil.

Using a ball of cotton dipped fully in the alcohol will help to prevent insects from coming to the plant.

Check the pothos plant every week to stop infestations and either use a pesticide or a spray to kill the mealybugs and other insects.


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